December 2, 2007
First Sunday of Advent
READING 1: Isaiah 2:1-5
Reading 1 Reflection:
As we enter into Advent, Isaiah greets us with a promise of universal peace. He foresees a time when all nations will learn God's ways. They will no longer make weapons or train for war. They will "walk in the light of the Lord." When Isaiah wrote his message of hope, Judah and its capital, Jerusalem, were under the threat of attack by its enemies. Yet the prophet clung to his faith that God would come to save God's people.
We know that God has already come to save us through Jesus Christ. We know that he is with us now. And we believe that Jesus Christ will come again at the end of the world. This is what gives us hope.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
During Advent, what can you do to prepare for the coming of Jesus into your life today, and at the end of time? How can you be a creative peacemaker at home, at school, and in the world?
READING 2: Romans 13:11-14
Reading 2 Reflection:
What else can we do to prepare for Christ's final coming in glory? "Awake from sleep," Paul says, and "put on the armor of light." He means that we should practice love for our neighbors and avoid deeds of darkness (sin). He warns us that we may not have as much time as we think, because the day (the day when Jesus will return) draws near!
Discussion Questions for Reading 2:
There is an old Gospel song that goes, "One day at a time, Lord Jesus, that's all I'm asking of you." And one day at a time is the gift we are given when we rise from sleep each day! How are you planning to spend this time of Advent?in a "spiritual sleep" (just waiting until Christmas . . . ) or "awake" and ready to share your gifts (the spiritual gifts of faith, hope, and love) with others? Think of one thing to do each day that will keep you "awake" to God and neighbor. Ask Jesus to help you do it. Then pray together:
"Lord, do not allow us to sleep our way through Advent. Wake us up to the good you want us to do each day. Amen."
Gospel: Matthew 24: 37-44
Gospel Reflection:
In today's gospel, we are asked to live in the present with an eye toward the future. We are not to be totally absorbed by the usual activities of life. We are to remain open to the coming of the Lord, and be prepared. Here Jesus compares himself to a thief who breaks in when no one is looking! Jesus wants us to be prepared so that we can welcome him, not as a thief, but as our long-awaited Savior!
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
Sometimes it is hard for us to believe that what we do today matters for tomorrow and, really, for all eternity. Can you think of some examples of the way your actions today will matter for tomorrow and forever? How does what you do today help prepare you and the world for the coming of Christ?
Using our gift of time well is an Advent virtue, an Advent strength. In report cards from the 1950's, a list of strengths that each child was to develop was listed. If there was a problem with a particular one, it was checked by the teacher to bring it to the parent's attention. Some of the strengths were: "Keeps desk and papers neat; shows courteous attention to teacher and students; is reverent during prayers." One we can note today is: "Keeps profitably busy." (Today we might say, "Works independently.") However, anyone can "keep busy." We Advent Christians must "keep PROFITABLY busy." Our busy-ness must count for something, must do good. How will you keep profitably busy during this Advent season?