Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time
The first reading, from the book of Deuteronomy 11:18, 26-28, 32, shows us that external obedience to laws and commandments doesn’t take us very far. God’s word has to sink into our heart and soul, transforming our character and inner attitudes - and it’s when we let God’s grace fill our heart and soul that our outward behavior changes accordingly.
In the second reading taken from St. Paul to the Romans; 3:21-25, 28, Paul’s experience of meeting Christ convinced him that the starting-point of genuine spirituality is a sense of our own weakness and the insufficiency of our own strength, coupled with an openness to God’s grace and a sense of dependence on his saving power.
The Gospel reading is taken from Matthew 7:21-27. Do not be afraid to witness to Jesus before men. In fact, he says, if you deny before before others I will deny you before my Father. Hard words. When we think of giving testimony to Jesus what usually comes to our minds are Jehovah Witnesses going door to door. But you know, they actually get very few converts that way. Most come from our own family, friends, co-workers. The most effective way of testifying to Jesus is with a peer, over a cup of coffee, often in an unguarded moment, to say for example, "What has really helped me through this time is prayer, my belief in God." That's the kind of testimony that will draw someone to Jesus and his Church.
And our actions speak louder than words. How we treat other people, how we spend our money and our spare time. There are 168 hours in a week, but if your friends know your most important hour is at Mass worshiping God, that is a powerful testimony. Particularly in the summer.
What often keeps us back from testifying to Jesus is fear. Someone might laugh at me, make fun of me. Call me a hypocrite. Don't be afraid of that. Jesus says, what is whispered in secret will one day be shouted from the rooftops. I've been a priest almost 25 years and heard plenty of confessions; I can tell you everybody has secrets, awful ones. That includes you and me. We just haven't made the 6 o'clock news. Someday we will. Jesus assures us of that. Don't be afraid about what folks say about you, they don't know the half of it.
But there is someone we should fear. He who can cast us body and soul into hell. Today we tend to downplay the doctrine of eternal punishment, but that was a constant theme of Jesus teaching. In fact the majority of references to hell are not found in St Paul or the book or Revelation, but from the lips of Jesus. And He uses scary images–everlasting flames, the worm that never dies.
To fear God, his judgment is not just for so called "simple folks." A prominent doctor who performed thousands of abortions at some point realized he was killing human beings. He gave up his abortion practice, joined the human life movement and in the process went from being an atheist to a believer in God. And now he is joining the Catholic church. When asked why he is becoming a Catholic, Dr. Nathanson replied, "I do not want to spend forever in hell. I want the forgiveness of my sins and that I will have in the Catholic Church through baptism and confession."
Excerpted from a homily by Fr. Phil Bloom
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday Reading Reflections:

Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Reading 1 Reflection:
The first word Moses speaks in this reading is a very important one for God's people: "remember." They are to remember how God has guided them, tested them, and fed them in the desert. They are to remember how they chose to disobey God and how God continued to love them. Like a parent who always provides for the children, God fed the people manna. This sweet white substance fell on the ground, and the Israelites made cakes with it. God continued to feed them until they reached Canaan, the Promised Land.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1 :
Can you remember when Jesus quoted Moses and said, "Not by bread alone does man live. . ."? Where was Jesus when he said that? Can you remember what had just happened to Jesus before that, and what he was preparing to do? The desert is a symbol of journey, affliction, hunger, aloneness before God, preparation for our mission as baptized Christians. Each Lent we as a Church undergo a "desert time." At other times of the year, families or individuals often have "desert times," that is, times when they experience difficulties. Can you recall a desert time you have experienced? How did God help you or "feed" you in that time of hardship? Did the "desert time" prepare you for anything? What? How? What does the manna in this reading remind us of? How do you approach the Eucharist? Do you receive it as a gift of living bread from God, or has it become routine? Share ideas on ways to make awareness of this gift central to your week.
Reading 2 Reflection :
Paul, too, wants his readers to remember. He reminds us that the Eucharist makes us one with Christ and with one another. Each Eucharist causes us to re-member with the body of Christ. At Communion time this week, pray that the Body and Blood of Christ will draw the people of your parish closer together.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2 :
When someone says one thing and does another, we call that person a "hypocrite." It comes from the ancient Greek word for an "actor on a stage." A hypocrite pretends to be someone or something that he or she is really not. When we receive the Eucharist, we are saying that we are all one body in Christ, and that Christ is now living in us. After we receive the Eucharist what do our actions toward others say, whether we are at home with our families, at work, in traffic or on public transportation with other people who are made in the image and likeness of God? What about pointing out the hypocrisy of others? This is necessary if grave harm is being done. We have a responsibility to take our observations both to the person and also to someone else who can help. (In some cases, this may be an obligation of friendship. Friends must sometimes be bearers of hard truth.) However, in most cases, peoples' hypocrisy hurts themselves most of all. Their integrity suffers, and they miss the joy of living wholeheartedly as their true selves. Our highest role model is Jesus, who knew that no one is perfect (including me and you). Most of us struggle to do the best we can, and we are to look at one another with eyes of compassion. After all, Jesus said (in paraphrase here): "Treat others as you wish they would treat you." (See Matthew 7:12 for the actual quotation, now known as the Golden Rule.) Have you ever had to be a "bearer of hard truth" to a friend? How can you live wholeheartedly as your true self? How would you wish to be treated by others? How can you treat others as part of the body of Christ?
Gospel Reflection :
Today's reading takes place the day after Jesus has miraculously fed five thousand people with only five loaves and two fish. Now he wants the crowds to understand that he has come to give them "the living bread." Earthly bread, even manna, can only keep us alive for a time. But it cannot give us eternal life. Only Jesus himself, the Bread of Life, can do that. As Catholics, our greatest prayer of thanks is the Mass. Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. When we receive Communion, we say Amen; that is, we believe that the bread and wine are now the Body and Blood of Christ.
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
In the comings and goings of everyday life, do you ever think of eternal life? Why? Why not? Have you ever wanted a moment to last forever? Why? One of the dictionary definitions of eternity is "without intermission." If we think of eternity as having no beginning and no end, that is, it always was and is and will be, then we are living in eternity now. There will be no intermissions for us. We will just keep on going and going and going. . . because we are in communion with, in union with, God, the source of all life. And we renew that union and receive more eternity, more life and more healing, every time we receive the Eucharist. What moments of your life need healing? What moments of your life would you like to bring into eternity? What would you like to carry into eternity with you? What can you do to have more of these "eternal moments" during the coming week?
Reflection by: CYBERFAITH
"Catholic resources for people of Faith"
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Reading 1 Reflection:
The first word Moses speaks in this reading is a very important one for God's people: "remember." They are to remember how God has guided them, tested them, and fed them in the desert. They are to remember how they chose to disobey God and how God continued to love them. Like a parent who always provides for the children, God fed the people manna. This sweet white substance fell on the ground, and the Israelites made cakes with it. God continued to feed them until they reached Canaan, the Promised Land.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1 :
Can you remember when Jesus quoted Moses and said, "Not by bread alone does man live. . ."? Where was Jesus when he said that? Can you remember what had just happened to Jesus before that, and what he was preparing to do? The desert is a symbol of journey, affliction, hunger, aloneness before God, preparation for our mission as baptized Christians. Each Lent we as a Church undergo a "desert time." At other times of the year, families or individuals often have "desert times," that is, times when they experience difficulties. Can you recall a desert time you have experienced? How did God help you or "feed" you in that time of hardship? Did the "desert time" prepare you for anything? What? How? What does the manna in this reading remind us of? How do you approach the Eucharist? Do you receive it as a gift of living bread from God, or has it become routine? Share ideas on ways to make awareness of this gift central to your week.
Reading 2 Reflection :
Paul, too, wants his readers to remember. He reminds us that the Eucharist makes us one with Christ and with one another. Each Eucharist causes us to re-member with the body of Christ. At Communion time this week, pray that the Body and Blood of Christ will draw the people of your parish closer together.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2 :
When someone says one thing and does another, we call that person a "hypocrite." It comes from the ancient Greek word for an "actor on a stage." A hypocrite pretends to be someone or something that he or she is really not. When we receive the Eucharist, we are saying that we are all one body in Christ, and that Christ is now living in us. After we receive the Eucharist what do our actions toward others say, whether we are at home with our families, at work, in traffic or on public transportation with other people who are made in the image and likeness of God? What about pointing out the hypocrisy of others? This is necessary if grave harm is being done. We have a responsibility to take our observations both to the person and also to someone else who can help. (In some cases, this may be an obligation of friendship. Friends must sometimes be bearers of hard truth.) However, in most cases, peoples' hypocrisy hurts themselves most of all. Their integrity suffers, and they miss the joy of living wholeheartedly as their true selves. Our highest role model is Jesus, who knew that no one is perfect (including me and you). Most of us struggle to do the best we can, and we are to look at one another with eyes of compassion. After all, Jesus said (in paraphrase here): "Treat others as you wish they would treat you." (See Matthew 7:12 for the actual quotation, now known as the Golden Rule.) Have you ever had to be a "bearer of hard truth" to a friend? How can you live wholeheartedly as your true self? How would you wish to be treated by others? How can you treat others as part of the body of Christ?
Gospel Reflection :
Today's reading takes place the day after Jesus has miraculously fed five thousand people with only five loaves and two fish. Now he wants the crowds to understand that he has come to give them "the living bread." Earthly bread, even manna, can only keep us alive for a time. But it cannot give us eternal life. Only Jesus himself, the Bread of Life, can do that. As Catholics, our greatest prayer of thanks is the Mass. Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. When we receive Communion, we say Amen; that is, we believe that the bread and wine are now the Body and Blood of Christ.
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
In the comings and goings of everyday life, do you ever think of eternal life? Why? Why not? Have you ever wanted a moment to last forever? Why? One of the dictionary definitions of eternity is "without intermission." If we think of eternity as having no beginning and no end, that is, it always was and is and will be, then we are living in eternity now. There will be no intermissions for us. We will just keep on going and going and going. . . because we are in communion with, in union with, God, the source of all life. And we renew that union and receive more eternity, more life and more healing, every time we receive the Eucharist. What moments of your life need healing? What moments of your life would you like to bring into eternity? What would you like to carry into eternity with you? What can you do to have more of these "eternal moments" during the coming week?
Reflection by: CYBERFAITH
"Catholic resources for people of Faith"
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday Reading Reflections:

Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Reading 1 Reflection:
This encounter between Moses and God takes place on Mount Sinai after the Israelites have sinned by worshiping a golden calf. Yet God has forgiven them and is about to renew the covenant with Israel. Moses hears God identified as merciful, kind, forgiving, and faithful. On behalf of the unfaithful people, Moses seeks God's pardon.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
What does God reveal to Moses? What was Moses' response? Does this reading describe God as you know God? Name one way you have experienced God's kindness and mercy. Does this reading describe you (and all of us) as you (we) sometimes are?"a stiff-necked people?" When are you stiff-necked about something? Do you talk to God about it?
Reading 2 Reflection:
In his farewell to the Christians of Corinth, Paul advises them to cooperate with one another and live peacefully. When they meet, they are to greet each other lovingly as true followers of Christ. In the closing blessing, Paul entrusts his friends to the Blessed Trinity.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2:
Sometimes we think Christians should never be mean, or angry, or upset, or just plain weak and sinful. That is our goal, of course, but Paul realized that we are human and we need the understanding and encouragement of others, not only when things are going well, but also when things in our parish or school or family or friendships are not going well. How can we "mend our ways" or "mend our relationships" or "mend our meetings" or "mend our behavior with our friends or group"? How can we seek harmony and peace when we feel stuck in anger, upset, weakness, or sin? Who or what can help us? Where in your life do you need the "grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit?" How will you find it?
Gospel Reflection:
In today's gospel reading, Jesus is speaking to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Nicodemus has come to consult Jesus because he recognizes that Jesus is a great teacher sent by God. However, Nicodemus has not yet recognized that Jesus is the Son of God, who has come to save all who believe in him. Those who hear Jesus and accept his word will have eternal life.
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
There is a saying, "God loves each of us as if there were only one of us." And in a way, there is only "one of us." Each one of us is unique. As the song says, "There Will Never Be Another You." Fill in your own name in each of the blank spaces: God so loved ________________ that he gave his only Son, that ___________________, who believes in him, may have eternal life. God did not send the Son to ________________ to condemn him/her, but that ________________ might be saved through him. What is your response to this message? How can you share it with others?
Reflection by: CYBERFAITH
"Catholic resources for people of Faith"
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Reading 1 Reflection:
This encounter between Moses and God takes place on Mount Sinai after the Israelites have sinned by worshiping a golden calf. Yet God has forgiven them and is about to renew the covenant with Israel. Moses hears God identified as merciful, kind, forgiving, and faithful. On behalf of the unfaithful people, Moses seeks God's pardon.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
What does God reveal to Moses? What was Moses' response? Does this reading describe God as you know God? Name one way you have experienced God's kindness and mercy. Does this reading describe you (and all of us) as you (we) sometimes are?"a stiff-necked people?" When are you stiff-necked about something? Do you talk to God about it?
Reading 2 Reflection:
In his farewell to the Christians of Corinth, Paul advises them to cooperate with one another and live peacefully. When they meet, they are to greet each other lovingly as true followers of Christ. In the closing blessing, Paul entrusts his friends to the Blessed Trinity.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2:
Sometimes we think Christians should never be mean, or angry, or upset, or just plain weak and sinful. That is our goal, of course, but Paul realized that we are human and we need the understanding and encouragement of others, not only when things are going well, but also when things in our parish or school or family or friendships are not going well. How can we "mend our ways" or "mend our relationships" or "mend our meetings" or "mend our behavior with our friends or group"? How can we seek harmony and peace when we feel stuck in anger, upset, weakness, or sin? Who or what can help us? Where in your life do you need the "grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit?" How will you find it?
Gospel Reflection:
In today's gospel reading, Jesus is speaking to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Nicodemus has come to consult Jesus because he recognizes that Jesus is a great teacher sent by God. However, Nicodemus has not yet recognized that Jesus is the Son of God, who has come to save all who believe in him. Those who hear Jesus and accept his word will have eternal life.
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
There is a saying, "God loves each of us as if there were only one of us." And in a way, there is only "one of us." Each one of us is unique. As the song says, "There Will Never Be Another You." Fill in your own name in each of the blank spaces: God so loved ________________ that he gave his only Son, that ___________________, who believes in him, may have eternal life. God did not send the Son to ________________ to condemn him/her, but that ________________ might be saved through him. What is your response to this message? How can you share it with others?
Reflection by: CYBERFAITH
"Catholic resources for people of Faith"
Monday, May 05, 2008
Sunday Reading Reflections:

May 11, 2008
Pentecost Sunday (Solemnity)
Reading 1 Reflection :
When the Baptism of Jesus is described in the gospel, the Holy Spirit is pictured as a dove. But if the disciples in the upper room were expecting Jesus' promised Spirit to come as a dove, they had a big surprise in store! On that first Pentecost, the Spirit came as a powerful wind that blew all the disciples' fears out the window. The Spirit came as glowing tongues of fire that "lit a fire" in their hearts. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples went out to speak of God's mighty deeds.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
Sometimes our expectations get in the way of the Spirit. The prophet Elijah, in the Old Testament, was expecting the Spirit to be loud, like thunder. Instead, the Spirit came to him as a whisper of God's love and care. Sometimes we expect something to happen, and then it doesn't, and we are disappointed.
It is good then to remember an old spiritual saying, "When God closes a door, he opens a window." Have you ever experienced this? How can we find the window to the Holy Spirit in times of disappointment? How can you share this faith with others and encourage them in times of disappointment? Reading 1 -->
Reading 2 Reflection :
What is the work of the Holy Spirit? Paul's letter explains it clearly and beautifully. The Spirit gives us a great variety of gifts and enables us to use them for one united purpose. These gifts are given to each person. No one is left out. Everyone has something to contribute. Each one of us can help build up the body of Christ into which we have been baptized.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2 :
Have you ever heard the legend of Our Lady's juggler? Once a young man joined a monastery. Before he decided to give his life to God's service in the monastery, he had been a juggler. It was the custom in that monastery to celebrate one of the great feasts of Our Lady by giving her a gift of some kind. The monk who could write composed a poem. The artist monk painted a beautiful picture. The monk who gardened arranged a bouquet. The new monk did not know what he could do.
He wasn't good at anything, except juggling. He was ashamed to give this gift?what good was juggling, after all? But very early on the day of Our Lady's feast, while it was still dark, he quietly borrowed three oranges from the kitchen. Then he crept into the chapel. "Forgive me, Mary," he said. "I do not have much, but what I have, I give you." And he began to juggle the oranges. He threw them up, around, behind his back, and never missed catching them once! Juggling always made him happy, and he hoped that Our Lady was happy, too. The abbot, the head of the monastery, happened to be praying in the chapel.
He watched the young monk as he juggled, and when he had finished, the abbot said to him, "Little Brother, thank you for your gift. You have brought joy to Our Lady and to this house. Be ready to juggle for everyone at the feast today." How did the newest monk build up the body of Christ? What gift do you have? How does it build up the body of Christ? How can it help your family, your school, or your parish? If you do not know, perhaps the other members of the body (your group members) will help you discover ways to use your gift!
Gospel Reflection :
John's Gospel pictures Jesus breathing the gift of his Spirit on the disciples. It is Easter night and they are hiding behind locked doors out of fear of their enemies. Jesus calms them with his peace. He gives them the power to give peace to others by forgiving their sins. "As the Father has sent me, so I send you," Jesus says.
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
Mission is a very important word. We sometimes connect this word to working in foreign countries, but that is not all it means. The sisters in some religious communities refer to their places of work as "going on their mission." The Latin ending of the Mass was, "Ite, missa est"?"Go, you are sent." Mission and Mass have the same Latin root of missa. Now we say, "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
" Loving and serving is what mission, being sent by Jesus, is all about. And we each have a mission in life. We are each sent by Jesus to do loving service right where we are. What do you believe Jesus is sending you to do in this time of your life? You might like to put it into words. "Jesus sends me forth to ______________________." How can you keep this sense of mission alive in you each day?
Reflection by: CYBERFAITH
"Catholic resources for people of Faith"
Pentecost Sunday (Solemnity)
Reading 1 Reflection :
When the Baptism of Jesus is described in the gospel, the Holy Spirit is pictured as a dove. But if the disciples in the upper room were expecting Jesus' promised Spirit to come as a dove, they had a big surprise in store! On that first Pentecost, the Spirit came as a powerful wind that blew all the disciples' fears out the window. The Spirit came as glowing tongues of fire that "lit a fire" in their hearts. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples went out to speak of God's mighty deeds.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
Sometimes our expectations get in the way of the Spirit. The prophet Elijah, in the Old Testament, was expecting the Spirit to be loud, like thunder. Instead, the Spirit came to him as a whisper of God's love and care. Sometimes we expect something to happen, and then it doesn't, and we are disappointed.
It is good then to remember an old spiritual saying, "When God closes a door, he opens a window." Have you ever experienced this? How can we find the window to the Holy Spirit in times of disappointment? How can you share this faith with others and encourage them in times of disappointment? Reading 1 -->
Reading 2 Reflection :
What is the work of the Holy Spirit? Paul's letter explains it clearly and beautifully. The Spirit gives us a great variety of gifts and enables us to use them for one united purpose. These gifts are given to each person. No one is left out. Everyone has something to contribute. Each one of us can help build up the body of Christ into which we have been baptized.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2 :
Have you ever heard the legend of Our Lady's juggler? Once a young man joined a monastery. Before he decided to give his life to God's service in the monastery, he had been a juggler. It was the custom in that monastery to celebrate one of the great feasts of Our Lady by giving her a gift of some kind. The monk who could write composed a poem. The artist monk painted a beautiful picture. The monk who gardened arranged a bouquet. The new monk did not know what he could do.
He wasn't good at anything, except juggling. He was ashamed to give this gift?what good was juggling, after all? But very early on the day of Our Lady's feast, while it was still dark, he quietly borrowed three oranges from the kitchen. Then he crept into the chapel. "Forgive me, Mary," he said. "I do not have much, but what I have, I give you." And he began to juggle the oranges. He threw them up, around, behind his back, and never missed catching them once! Juggling always made him happy, and he hoped that Our Lady was happy, too. The abbot, the head of the monastery, happened to be praying in the chapel.
He watched the young monk as he juggled, and when he had finished, the abbot said to him, "Little Brother, thank you for your gift. You have brought joy to Our Lady and to this house. Be ready to juggle for everyone at the feast today." How did the newest monk build up the body of Christ? What gift do you have? How does it build up the body of Christ? How can it help your family, your school, or your parish? If you do not know, perhaps the other members of the body (your group members) will help you discover ways to use your gift!
Gospel Reflection :
John's Gospel pictures Jesus breathing the gift of his Spirit on the disciples. It is Easter night and they are hiding behind locked doors out of fear of their enemies. Jesus calms them with his peace. He gives them the power to give peace to others by forgiving their sins. "As the Father has sent me, so I send you," Jesus says.
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
Mission is a very important word. We sometimes connect this word to working in foreign countries, but that is not all it means. The sisters in some religious communities refer to their places of work as "going on their mission." The Latin ending of the Mass was, "Ite, missa est"?"Go, you are sent." Mission and Mass have the same Latin root of missa. Now we say, "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
" Loving and serving is what mission, being sent by Jesus, is all about. And we each have a mission in life. We are each sent by Jesus to do loving service right where we are. What do you believe Jesus is sending you to do in this time of your life? You might like to put it into words. "Jesus sends me forth to ______________________." How can you keep this sense of mission alive in you each day?
Reflection by: CYBERFAITH
"Catholic resources for people of Faith"
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The Holy Father's Monthly Intentions for the year 2010:
The Word of God as Sign of Social Development
General: That in less developed parts of the world the proclamation of the Word of God may renew people’s hearts, encouraging them to work actively toward authentic social progress.
The End of War
Missionary: That by opening our hearts to love we may put an end to the numerous wars and conflicts which continue to bloody our world.
Parents of Priests' Day
(On the Year for Priests)
Archdiocese Recognizes Parents of Priests
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- "IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD ..." (John 1:1) The Word service proclaims, not only the contents of the readings, but also the bigger reality that God speaks continually to his people that we are called to a dialogue with God and with one another. To proclaim their inspired content in the midst of the worshipping community is a ministry entrusted to a few. The manner of proclamation is important for the delivery of the message in order to enable the community to enter into the spirit of the Word. The magnificence of this ministry cries out for the excellence that the Word of the Lord deserves. As lectors at the Mass we transmit that Word to human hearts and minds. The readings remind the people of the vision of the Christian community . . . of the things that truly matter.