Who is John the Baptist? Every Catholic knows that he is the one called Prophet of the Most High whom is set to come three months ahead before the Lord and to prepare the way for Him!
His birth is the fulfillment of his name "God is Gracious". Imagine the shame and neglect of his parents experienced during their time where barren people are a disgrace to the society and couples who have many children ore even has many cattles to feed are said to be more lucky and influential. But God has fulfilled his promise rewarding their commitment to serve each other as husband and wife til' they grow old and to continue serving the people of Israel thru prayers to grant them salvation. And so in this remote corner of the world the Good News begin with elderly and childless couples shall we say the neglected individuals in the society, because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD but first we must learn to wait and believe in His promises! John the Baptist is destined to bring light to the world beginning with those whom are hopeless sinners and the poor....
There is a time for us to seek the truth, to discover what our major duties are and to become esssentially human.....
God Bless us ALL!!!!
ate mhye
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