READING 1 Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4
Reading 1 Reflection:
The prophet Habakkuk expresses the same question we have all asked at one time or another: Why do bad things happen to good people? Habakkuk pleads with God for an explanation. Even God's faithful ones have been trampled on by their enemies. Why doesn't God help them? God answers the prophet with a vision that will be fulfilled in the future. The violent ones will, by their sinfulness, bring about their own defeat. The just ones, by their fidelity to God, will enjoy lasting happiness.
God does not give explanations for evil and suffering. But God does promise eternal life to those who trust and remain faithful.
READING 2 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14
Reading 2 Reflection:
To preach the Christian faith at a time of terrible persecution requires great courage. Loyalty to the gospel always involves a certain amount of hardship for any disciple. Anyone who teaches or preaches the faith must also be true to the tradition handed down by Jesus through the apostles. Timothy is reminded that the Holy Spirit will help him to remain on the right track.
Gospel Luke 17:5-10
Gospel Reflection:
The two sayings of Jesus in today's gospel make us wonder abut the other side of the story. When the apostles ask, "Increase our faith," are they secretly quite satisfied with their record of faithfulness? Jesus tells them that if they really have faith they can tell a tree what to do, and it will do it! The story about the servant tells us that Jesus' disciples should be grateful to God. When we do God's will, we should not expect to receive a gold medal. We have, after all, done no more than "what we were obliged to do."
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