December 23, 2007
Fourth Sunday of Advent
READING 1 Isaiah 7:10-14
Reading 1 Reflection:
Does your name have a special meaning? Today's reading tells us the special title, or name, of the Messiah. His virgin mother will call him Emmanuel, which means "God with us."
We have the joy of knowing that Mary was the virgin mother who gave birth to Jesus, Emmanuel.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
Today's readings bring us into the historical event of Jesus' coming among us, and we never forget that he came to us through Mary. This is why we honor her. In the Eastern Church, an icon called "Our Lady of the Sign" reminds us of this great event and of these verses from Isaiah. Our Lady is shown with her arms raised up in prayer, and in front of her is Jesus, drawn in a round circle, a symbol of her womb. Mary represents all of us, the Church. Jesus now comes to the world through us.
How can you bring Jesus to the world? How is the Church a sign that Jesus is with us today? How are you a sign that Jesus is with us?
READING 2 Romans 1:1-7
Reading 2 Reflection:
Paul was a master letter writer who had a great gift for opening people's minds and hearts to God. In this opening of his letter to the Christians at Rome, he identifies himself and his mission. He is an apostle sent by God to preach the good news to all nations. The apostle reminds us that we are called "to belong to Jesus Christ." We are called "to holiness."
Discussion Questions for Reading 2:
The liturgy gives us one last push to get ready for Christmas and the celebration of the coming of Christ to our world! Ask yourself: Am I ready to welcome the Son of God into my life in a deeper way? What do I need during these last two days to be really ready in mind and heart? How can I help someone else get ready for Christmas? Take a moment to ask Jesus for the gift of readiness for all he wishes to give you this Christmas. Holiness does not mean perfection. It means being ready for Jesus, being willing to live in "obedient faith." What does this mean for you this year?
Gospel Matthew 1:18-24
Gospel Reflection:
Although Saint Joseph usually remains in the shadows of the gospels, in today's reading he emerges into the sunlight. We can see him clearly as a man who clearly loves Mary. When an angel assures him in a dream that Mary's child was conceived through the Holy Spirit, Joseph dares to believe.
Joseph's faith is richly rewarded. He becomes the foster father of Mary's child. And he receives the honor of naming the child Jesus, a name that means "Yahweh saves."
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
There is an old saying, "The path of true love never runs smooth." This may not be true for everyone, but it seemed to be true for Mary and Joseph. However, they could be true and faithful to each other because they were true and faithful toward God. And God made the rough ways smooth! What makes for rough times in a relationship?between parents and children, husband and wife, friend and friend? What can smooth things out? Look at Joseph for an example?what did he have to do before he could move forward in a confusing situation?
Take a moment and pray: Spirit of God, help us to be ready to celebrate Christmas. Help make all rough ways in each of our relationships smooth. Help us to be like Joseph, who dared to listen, to believe, and to love. Amen.
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