December 9, 2007
Second Sunday of Advent
READING 1: Isaiah 11:1-10
Reading 1 Reflection:
If a nature show on TV depicted wolves playing with lambs, cows and bears living next door to each other, and a little baby romping with a deadly serpent, what would you think? These unnatural events might make you think you had tuned into a science fiction program! Or you might wonder whether you were dreaming.
Isaiah describes the peace that the Messiah will bring by reversing the hostile elements of nature. The prophet dreams of the day when God's reign of justice and peace is established over all creation. That blessed event will become a reality at the end of the world when Jesus comes again in glory. Consider how you will begin to share now in Isaiah's vision by helping enemies to become friends.
READING 2: Romans 15:4-9
Reading 2 Reflection:
Just as the first reading painted a picture of harmony, this reading reminds us that Jesus came to unite all people under God's mercy and love. Sometimes we find it easier to wall people out than to welcome them in. But Paul points out that we can find encouragement and guidance in God's word.
Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12
Gospel Reflection:
John the Baptist was one of those preachers who did not mind stepping on people's toes?even those of the rich and powerful. His mission was to get people to repent and be baptized before the Messiah arrived. John warns the religious leaders of his time that they must produce good fruit as proof of their conversion.
Discussion Questions for Gospel
John the Baptist seems to be a believer in the saying, "Actions speak louder than words." He tells the religious leaders of his day, "Give some evidence that you mean to reform."
John wanted everyone to be ready for the Messiah: no excuses!
How are you getting ready for the Messiah? Are your actions of justice, peace, and love speaking loud and clear as you prepare for Christmas? Are you really a follower of Christ or are you just jumping on the Advent-Christmas bandwagon? (A bandwagon is a wagon or "float" that carries the band in a parade. Someone who "jumps on the bandwagon" wants to be in the parade but doesn't want to do the hard walking. He or she just wants to ride along with the band and enjoy the music!) Take a few quiet moments and ask Saint John the Baptist to suggest something just, peaceful, and loving that you could do to prepare to celebrate Christmas as a true follower of Christ. Give some evidence that you mean to be ready! (You may want to join with a partner to do something special. The more the merrier!)
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