Today’s Mass is known as the “Golden Mass” the Misa Aurea,
commemorating the annunciation and the actual beginning of the Godmade-
man. This is the start too of man’s participation in the life-stream of
God. St Athanasius went further by saying “He indeed, assumed humanity
that we might become God” Another more contemporary theologian said
“Immanuel, God with us in our nature, in our sorrow, in our lifework, in
our punishment, in our grace, and now with us or rather we with Him, in
resurrection, ascencion, triumph and Second Advent splendour.” Thus,
this means our total oneness with God.
Pope Benedict XVI announced that the universal Church would
celebrate a special Jubilee Year of the Apostle Paul from June 28, 2008
to June 29, 2009 on the occasion of the bi-millennium of his birth. This
was to give greater importance to the life, teachings and spiritually of Saul
who became a Paul. This took place on his way to Damascus while riding
on a horse with letters of authority in his hand to arrest all the Christians
living there. Suddenly the Lord appeared to him. He fell to the ground
and heard a voice calling him “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
He replied,” Who are you, sir?” And the Lord said to him, “I am Jesus
whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:4-5)
What must have struck Paul at this theophany? It must have
been the statement of Christ, identifying Himself completely with every
Christian whom Paul was persecuting then. Through this statement
therefore, Christ is not alone. He is always with every Christian. And for
that matter every Christian is also in Him. From here Paul develops his
theology of the mystical body of Christ (1 Cor. 12-14)
- Christianity is a religion of joy. Christianity is what it is because
of Christ. Christ who is the Son of God has become man. Humanity and
Divinity has become one in Christ. Thus the angel says to Mary: “Rejoice,
O highly favored (daughter). The Lord is with you” (Lk.1:28). In the
same manner Zephaniah told the people of Israel (Zeph.3:14-15) “Shout
for joy, O daughter Zion, Sing joyfully, O Israel: Be glad and exult with
all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem…. The king of Israel, the Lord is
in your midst…” God is now with His people Israel.
- This is the glad message of Christmas which we are preparing
for this simbang gabi. This too is the same good tidings Paul got on the
road to Damascus. The Lord can be one with. But how?
- By faith in Christ, is his answer. Faith joined with baptism is that
which renders a man righteous. It is the life which St. Paul lived since his
conversion. But it is a life of crucifixion with Christ so that Christ lives
in him (Rom.6:8) and of course he in Christ. By this he can truly say that
union between Christ and-himself is complete because it is through faith
that Christians becomes sons of God in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:26), Hence
the Christian is saved by grace. The result is a symbiosis between man
and Christ, the glorified Kyrios who has become as of the resurrection a
“Vivifying Spirit. (1 Cor. 15:45)
- St Paul shows that it is only through faith in Christ, that personal
connectedness and that individual identity can be saved. It is the opposite
of autonomy.” I have been crucified with Christ. I live no longer I, but
Christ lives in me.” The presence of Jesus Christ does not suppress Paul’s
identity but save it. How? By that theophany Paul wants to be one with
Christ. Why does he want Christ?” “I live by faith in the Son of God who
has loved me and given himself up for me” (Gal. 2:20). For Paul faith is
always connected with love. “For in Christ Jesus; neither circumcision
nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through
Is this not what we all want specially this coming Christmas? Yes,
we all want that precious gift of being one with Christ who is the very
love of the Father. We want that God-made-man may be one in each of
us. This is what we all are trying to prepare ourselves during these nine
days of our simbang-gabi also in the company of Mary who was found
praying when the Word was made flesh in her womb. To be perfectly
loved by Christ by His death on the cross and by recognizing in faith the
presence of Jesus who loves him, is Paul’s identity. So shall this be our
May the Good Lord be seen in all of us this coming Christmas.
Parish Priest St. Andrew The Apostle
Parish Bel-Air 2, Makati City

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