Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Sunday Reading Reflections:

May 10th, 2009
Fifth Sunday of Easter
by Larry Gillick, S.J.
Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality


Conversion is in the air and not merely that of the sinner, but the community to which the sinner desires to return. Saul, AKA Paul, had a past with which he had to live, and live he did. The early Christian Community had its history as well; they had been persecuted as it tried to live and spread the Good News. Paul needs help to become one of the “boys”.
There is much of union and separation in today’s Readings. “Remain” and “prune” “without me”, “Thrown out”, “bear fruit”, are words of such oneness and division. We pray with the intimacy which a grape has with its stem branch, vine and roots. We can pray with our desire for and sense of the union Jesus offers us in the Sacraments, especially Baptism and the Eucharist. We pray also for the freedom of spirit to welcome into our union, those who have been separated, especially those who have hurt us.


The past four Sunday’s we have been listening to the preachings of Peter. In today’s First Reading, we hear of his partner Paul. The verses which precede our reading relate the event of his conversion, his being knocked off his high horse. When he comes to and realizes that he has been met by Jesus, he changes from persecutor to proclaimer. His being knocked down and raised up allows him to have a future which does not negate his past, but allows him to live with it peacefully. Paul is a good example of just how to live gratefully with the present we do not resent or continue harkening to the past which brought us to this present.

What we hear today is his having been preaching in the area of Damascus and threatened himself for doing so. He moves to Jerusalem and asks for admittance into the circle of the Disciples. They, of course, had heard of Saul, but not that he had been renamed and reframed. With a little help from his friend, Barnabas, the circle is widened and eventually”grew in numbers” through his living and preaching.

In today’s Gospel, we drop right into the middle of John’s famous five-chapter relating of Jesus’ “Last Discourse”. Last week Jesus pictured himself as the “Good Shepherd” and today we hear him say he is the “vine”. He is relating himself in a familiar image to his hearers, but intensifies the picture by claiming that the “fruit”- the “grapes” are united to him as vine and these grapes are his disciples.

In the first chapter of this “Discourse” Peter, who did not want his feet washed, was told that he would do nothing separated or apart from Jesus unless his feet be washed. This theme is picked up again as Jesus reminds them all to stay or remain in him by bearing fruit, or they will be cut off and burned up.

Jesus asks his disciples to “remain” which is different from “stay stuck”. Jesus is preparing them for their going out as he himself moves on. What does “remain” mean then for Jesus and his little cluster? What does “bearing fruit” mean and what does being separate mean?

In our American “culture” there is an increasing urgency to belong while remaining independent, which is quite a conflict. There is also a personal hunger to discover one’s depth, one’s singular personality. “Character” is a word which has come to mean more than a person in a play or movie. The term has something to do with strength, personal values and dedication. Accomplishments can reveal character, but there is also the danger of a “Pseudo-character” when one’s deeds become a cover-up for emptiness.

Being baptized into Jesus is not a single event, but a process of entering his “character”. He is asking his disciples to be so influenced by the relationship he offers that they will go out and do “something” which will reveal him by what they do and especially how they do it.

I have noticed over the years, a quality of “character” which is a blessing to me. I experience it most often with those persons who work or live among the marginal, injured and poor of this world. They “remain” well. Remain themselves; actually receive more of themselves by their being touched by those they touch. They seem to separate themselves from “accomplishing” themselves. They touch into the Jesus who remains deeply within them rather than finding their identity from polishing the fruit, they are producing.

These disciples separate themselves from “doing” and remain peaceful in their “being” or “remaining” in the Jesus who remains deeply inside them.

I am privileged to be close friends with three Religious women who work with the Aboriginal children who attend their schools and drop-in centre in Winnipeg, Canada. I am invited also to walk, in Spiritual Direction, with my Jesuit brothers as they “remain” with Jesus at the Holy Rosary Mission on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. I live with men who work in the inner city of Omaha; one directs the Jesuit Middle School for African/American boys, one is the founder of Gesu Housing which is dedicated to building concrete houses for low income families in our neighborhood. Every morning they go off, but “remain” as they bear fruit. They “remain” faithful while all kinds of things happen that would make one wonder if Jesus had given up and left town.

These women and men “remain” in Jesus while the culturally conditioned illusions are pruned from their hearts and spirits. “Success”, "accomplishments”, “trophies”, and the various self-validating acquisitions drop slowly away. This “pruning” seems to deepen them in their “remaining” in Jesus and freeing Jesus to “remain” in them. So it seems that this “pruning” is part of the love which Jesus offers those I experience as having depth of soul, who grow in “character”. Naturally speaking, we do not like the thought or experience of being so pruned, but the church and the needy profit from their resulting fruitful lives.

This spiritual deepening which I refer to, as “character” is the growth Jesus offers those who are touched by the poor, the sick, and those Jesus called his Sisters and Brothers. God is not a bad “vine dresser” after all.

“I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people.” Ps. 22

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The Holy Father's Monthly Intentions for the year 2010:



The Word of God as Sign of Social Development

General: That in less developed parts of the world the proclamation of the Word of God may renew people’s hearts, encouraging them to work actively toward authentic social progress.

The End of War

Missionary: That by opening our hearts to love we may put an end to the numerous wars and conflicts which continue to bloody our world.


Parents of Priests' Day

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Archdiocese Recognizes Parents of Priests

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Archdiocese of Manila (a 3-year Plan for 2008, 2009 and 2010

POSTER on Proper Attire in Church

Circular on Proper Attire in Church

LITURGICAL BOOKS (Ministry of Liturgical Affairs)

Source: http://www.rcam.org/

About Us:

"IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD ..." (John 1:1) The Word service proclaims, not only the contents of the readings, but also the bigger reality that God speaks continually to his people that we are called to a dialogue with God and with one another. To proclaim their inspired content in the midst of the worshipping community is a ministry entrusted to a few. The manner of proclamation is important for the delivery of the message in order to enable the community to enter into the spirit of the Word. The magnificence of this ministry cries out for the excellence that the Word of the Lord deserves. As lectors at the Mass we transmit that Word to human hearts and minds. The readings remind the people of the vision of the Christian community . . . of the things that truly matter.