February 24, 2008
Third Sunday of Lent
READING 1: Exodus 17:3-7
Reading 1 Reflection:
After the Israelites escaped from slavery in Egypt, God took care of their basic needs. God gave them Moses for their leader, and manna and quail for their food. In today's reading, we hear them complaining about the lack of water at their campsite. Think how important water is, especially in the desert. Moses turns to God in desperation. And God hears his prayer. When Moses strikes a rock, water gushes forth. The early fathers of the Church saw this as a reminder of Baptism. Through Baptism, we have been given the gift of God's life.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
We cannot live without water. It is a basic need. Can you think of some other needs that we have? Now think of some things you want, but can live without. You might want to make a list of Needs and Wants. Sometimes we think we need something when we really only just want it. Why is it a good idea to remember the difference? How does remembering this difference help you to be grateful for what you have?
In Baptism, we received the gift of God's life. Most of us were baptized as infants, before we even asked for it! We were given the gift of faith. How has this gift helped you in your life? Are there people in your parish preparing for Baptism now? How can you help them this Lent?
READING 2 Romans 5:1-2, 5-8
Reading 2 Reflection:
God's love for the Israelites was made visible in the desert by water flowing from a rock. But God's love was made even more visible for all people at all times through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Like a river that never dries up, the love of God is "poured out in our hearts."
Discussion Questions for Reading 2:
How do you know someone loves you? How do they show it by their actions? How do you show your love for someone? How did Jesus show his love for us? How is God's love poured into your heart? How do you pour God's love out on others? How do others pour God's love out on you?
Pray this prayer together for those preparing for Baptism in God's outpouring love: "Spirit of God, help us to pour out your love on those who most need it. In the name of Jesus." Amen.
Gospel: John 4:5-15, 19-26, 39, 40-42
Gospel Reflection:
In this wonderful story from John's Gospel, Jesus gives the Samaritan woman at the well the "living water" of truth. A foreigner, she is hospitable to Jesus and honest with him. In return, he chooses to reveal to her the truth about his identity. The woman rushes off to tell everyone the good news that the Messiah has come. And she is so convincing that the Samaritans come to believe in Jesus on her word.
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
So many people are searching for and "thirsting for" the right answers to life's questions. Will you share with them the "living water" of truth that you have received from Jesus? How?
The living water reminds us again of Baptism. The living waters are the fountains of eternal life within us. We are reminded of this at funerals. At the door of the church, the priest sprinkles holy water on the coffin and says, "In the waters of Baptism, N.(name) died with Christ and rose with him to new life. May he/she now share with him eternal glory." How does holy water remind you of Baptism? When do you use holy water?
Reflection by:
CYBERFAITH "Catholic resources for the People of Faith"
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