Sunday, March 2, 2008
Fourth Sunday of Lent
READING 1: 1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10-13a
Reading 1 Reflection:
God sends the prophet Samuel on an important mission. Samuel is to find and anoint the future king of Israel. But when Samuel finds the man he thinks is just right for the job, God tells him that he has made a mistake. God's advice is: Don't judge by how important a person might seem, for I look into the heart. The prophet listens to God's advice. He chooses the youngest son of Jesse of Bethlehem. This shepherd boy is athletic and handsome. Yet only God sees in David the potential to be Israel's greatest king and the ancestor of the Messiah.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
Have you ever heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover"? What do you think it means? How does this saying relate to what God says about not judging by appearances?
Do you find yourself judging by appearances at times? Why? When? Can you think of a time when your prejudice (pre-judgment) was later proven wrong? Have you ever been "judged by appearance"? Tell about it. How will you follow God's advice to Samuel?
READING 2: Ephesians 5:8-14
Reading 2 Reflection:
As we move forward to Easter during this Lenten season, we have thought about the meaning of Baptism. This reading reminds us of the courage we need to have as followers of Christ. The world is not an easy place to share the good news, but it needs to see the light of Christ's truth in us.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2:
One of the meanings of Baptism is "enlightenment." At Baptism, we receive a lighted candle as a symbol of Christ's light in our lives. With Christ, we stand against the darkness. Can you give names to the "darkness" you face in your world or in the larger world that we share? How will you let the light of Christ shine through you?
Gospel: John 9:1-41 or John 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
Gospel Reflection:
John's story of the man born blind weaves together the themes of light, sight, and insight. Jesus heals the man so that he can see. However, the Pharisees remain blind because they refuse to see who Jesus really is. They are more concerned about the Sabbath laws than they are about a fellow human being in need.
The blind man gains not only his sight but also insight. When Jesus identifies himself as the Son of Man, a title for the Messiah, the man says, "I do believe, Lord." And he worships Jesus. As we worship Jesus in the Eucharist, our eyes are opened to see Christ in others.
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
The first verse of the hymn "Amazing Grace" reminds us of this gospel passage. Why? Here are the words:
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now I'm found,
Was blind but now I see.
Who are the "truly blind" people in this gospel story? How can you keep from going through life "blind" to the reality of Jesus and his love in your life? How will you stay alert to really see and care for those who need Jesus' healing touch?
Reflection by:
CYBERFAITH "Catholic resources for the People of Faith"
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