March 9, 2008
Fifth Sunday of Lent
READING 1: Ezekiel 37:12-14
Reading 1 Reflection:
Ezekiel was called by God to be a prophet during the exile of the Israelites in Babylon. They took comfort in his vision of resurrection, a prediction of the restoration of their homeland. God would raise them from their graves of despair to new life.
The graves of the dead that we hear about in Ezekiel are not Israelites only; they are all of us who are in some way dead, not living fully enough the life of Christ, and in need of redemption.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1:
Not many of us feel fully alive all of the time. We all have our "down days," our times of illness and unrest, our times of anxiety and pain. We do not always feel "on top of the world." However, these are the times to remember that Christ has won a victory for us that has nothing to do with how we feel on any given day. We have been given that victory on the day of Baptism. It is a victory of God's love. We were taken into God's family. How can you remember that victory in Christ on "down days"? How can you get in touch with the victorious Christ whose Spirit lives within you? How can you share that Spirit and that victory with others? How can you care for yourself, spiritually, mentally, and physically, today, so that you will be more ready to live fully in Christ tomorrow?
READING 2: Romans 8:8-11
Reading 2 Reflection:
We have the promise of eternal life from God. Even if our bodies die, we will not become a lifeless pile of dry bones. God who raised Jesus from the dead will also raise us. The Spirit remains alive in us forever because we belong to Christ.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2:
Our society does not like to think about the reality of death. And it is not wrong to hope to live a long time, as life is a gift of God. However, we must remember that God's gifts do not end when life ends for us here on earth. How does this reading comfort those who are mourning a death of a family member or friend? How does it comfort you when you think about death? In what ways can you show that you are truly alive in Christ during this coming week?
Gospel: John 11:1-45 or John 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45
Gospel Reflection:
Those of us who have lost a beloved family member or friend know how Martha and Mary must have felt. Their brother Lazarus died. And Jesus did not protect them from the pain of mourning. In fact, Jesus wept, too, and was deeply troubled. But death is never the end of the story for Jesus or those who believe in him.
"I am the resurrection and the life," Jesus tells Martha. At Jesus' command, Lazarus, all bound up in burial wrappings, slowly emerges from the tomb. What a scene that must have been! And what a promise to us!
Discussion Questions for Gospel:
This story is seen as a foretaste of the resurrection of Jesus, and of our own resurrection, too. During the weeks of Lent, we are preparing to celebrate resurrection. Do you see any "foretastes of resurrection joy" around you? In nature? In the love of your family and friends? In the care and concern of neighbors? In your own heart? If you do, you will be following in the footsteps of Jesus and all the saints.
These signs of resurrection may not be as dramatic as Lazarus' rising from the dead, but they are just as real. How many do you experience? Keep looking for them this week!
Reflection by:
CYBERFAITH "Catholic resources for the People of Faith"
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