Joy fills the airwaves of Christmas season.
Malls are jam-packed with shoppers to buy new things to wear and
funny gifts for their loved ones and godchildren. Houses are decorated
with various Christmas designs and lights. At home, family is busy in
preparing special meals and special gifts. On the streets, Christmas carols
are rendered by the young and adults while gift giving is centered on the
poor. Parishes display different versions of crib where baby Jesus was
likely borne. With all of these material manifestations, we cannot but
celebrate. Christmas is a big celebration, a festivity.
And today marks the 9th day of “Simbang Gabi”. All the efforts
of waking up at dawn, shaking the cobwebs of sleep while at Mass and
trying to complete the novena for a wish to come true are now drawing
to a close. It is worth an effort. We should be rejoicing because we are
able to go beyond our limitation and self-comfort.
These external and internal preparations move our heart into joy.
This is timely and proper as we remember the birth of Jesus, the Savior.
God’s graciousness is beyond measure and imagining; its fruition
to men is nothing else but joy.
David, in the first reading, is blessed with two privileges: he has
chosen by God to be the King of Israel and from his throne, the everlasting
dynasty will reign.
In the gospel reading, the old barren wife gives birth to a child.
Elizabeth’s giving birth to a boy is a source of great joy to all- herself,
Zacharias, relatives and friends. They cannot help but affirm the
miraculous deed of their God Zacharias, meanwhile, rejoices because the long-waited Messiah
has now come in their midst and his very son, John is the one who would
prepare the way for Messiah’s coming.
This is what his Benedictus, a song of praise and thanksgiving to God, highlighted; a song that expresses the overflowing joy of an old man who is both a priest and a father.
The name John means God is gracious; the name that God has
ordered to be given to the child and able to describe the gratitude of
John’s parents for an unexpected joy. It reveals who God really is and
what He wants for us. A personal God, He wants his people to be happy
and fully alive. This divine graciousness has made flesh; God’s gift to
the world is himself. The Son of God entered into the world and became
one with us. Through a baby borne in the crib in Bethlehem, man is not
only redeemed but also elevated to divinity. God in man and Man in
God. This is what we commemorate, celebrate.
Joy and divine graciousness are inseparable. Joy is from God
and for us. Like God, let us share the joy received to others.
Let us imitate Him for he is the source and model of joy. Joy to
the world the Lord has come!
How do I find joy in my life?
Fernando L. Sabado, Jr

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