A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all Let this be sign to you: in
a manger you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes (from
our Gospel according to Luke). Also, since this year is the Year of Saint
Paul, I greet you a Pauline Christmas to all! St. Paul rewrites tonight’s
Christmas narrative. The Christmas story is of the Holy Family in a stable
of animals, with the angels singing the Gloria in heaven and the shepherds
adoring. Saint Paul adds the visit of the magi. Instead of the names of
the wise men being Gaspar, Melchor and Baltazar, the names given by
Paul are: Timothy, Titus and Philimon after his letters. And instead of
the gifts given being gold, frankincense and myrrh, the gifts offered are:
faith, hope and love. Saint Paul explains why. The essence of Christmas
is not material gifts of a consumerist and commercialized environment.
Christmas is about giving gifts truly from the heart, things that truly last
and endures: faith, hope and love which is the greatest.
With Paul, we reflect upon the Body of Christ as a cute babe, a
lovable infant, a tender child. From Paul’s experience in his conversion
at Damascus, there is oneness between Christ and the Church being
persecuted by Saul. In Paul’s letter, there is a constant refrain of the Body
of Christ with Christ as Head and the Church members making up the
different organs of the Body.
Paul urges unity and the resolution of differences as the Church
members partake of the one Body of Christ whenever they break bread
and receive communion. The Body of Christ is Christ born in the manger
at Christmas midnight and the Body of Christ is also the Church. As we
partake of communion tonight, Christ is born in our hearts on His very
Paul challenges us to grow in grace, mature in love as a community.
The Pauline literature is all about building communities, reconciling
groups within the Church, correcting those who stray, all about Church
growth and development. We are toddlers in eth faith, we stumble, we
are babies that are dependent upon others for wisdom, we are children
who need to be taught and guided along the path of righteousness and
The acronym CHILD best summarizes who Paul is:
C Conversion His conversion on eth road to Damascus is a sign
that we need to return to the Lord always.
H Hardships Paul enumerates his crosses, trials, tribulations
in his journeys. All these hardships are his
participation in eth Paschal Mystery.
I Inclusion Paul fought that Gentiles be included in the Church,
that they need not become Jesus first.
L Love Love is the essence of God and the reason
for Christmas and is the highest lasting virtue
according to Paul.
D Determination Determination, zeal, fervor, indefatigable drive
are the marks of Paul the missionary.
“The grace of God has appeared, offering salvation to all” (from
our second reading, Paul’s letter to Titus)
“For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; upon his shoulder,
dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-
Forever, Prince of Peace” (from our first reading from the Prophet
On this Christmas night, let us offer gifts, not material gifts brought
from the mall but the gifts of our total loving selves. Paul’s Christian
communities lead us in this procession of gifts.
The Thessalonians offer their “breastplate of faith and love and
a helmet as a symbol of hope salvation”.
The Corinthians offer their “bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit”.
They acknowledge they are “God’s field, His building”.
The Ephesians offer themselves as “the whole armor of God, the
shield of God”.
The Romans offer themselves as “a living sacrifice, holy and
acceptable to God”.
Once more, we renew our commitment to follow, love and serve
Christ on this birthday of His.
Merry Christmas! Happy birthday Jesus!
San Carlos Seminary
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