“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth Peace for those He favors” (Luke 2:14).
Again and again the message of Christmas must be repeated in order to allow it to sink deep into human hearts. The news of great joy is brought to us in order to be shared by all. This hopeful message is the reason why nearly everyone hums a little tune or sings a carol at Christmas season. Christians are a cheerful people. Only Christians have the ability to hope in times of great need and even in paralyzing disasters.
Peace may be wished for, but God saves it only for those He favors. Humans long for peace, but they have to deserve it. Peace belongs to those who sincerely long and work for it and on whom God’s favor rests.
Peace is not the achievement of one struggle; it is built up by a day-by-day effort. It is not simply sung with the angels. Peace is built on justice among humans. It is born of a relationship where honest people are just to each other and respect one another. It is a world of kind relationships, where neighbors love and help each other, where business traders do not cheat customers, where leaders, and especially government leaders, are not proud and do not defraud their subjects, and where everyone sees the other as friend or brother/sister to serve or to help.
In the simplest level of life where rich and poor breathe the same free and healthy air, Peace is known by the practice of sharing. No one feels at ease (or sometimes safe) with an extra bowl of rice to eat, while just across their fence are brothers and sisters who are hungry.
Crises may come and crises may go, but for as long as humans know how and love to share what they have, there will be both Peace and Joy in our land. This is what Christmas reminds us to do. Just remember were Filipinos who love Jesus Christ and are sincere in following Him. That makes the great difference! But do not forget to work for Peace!
A Blessed Christmas to all!
Archbishop of Manila
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